Archive | July 2014

The Story That Made Everyone L.O.L.

Here I am again, playing catch up. Always a day behind. Forgetting something or someone. But, here I am at the writing table, wrapping up guest blogs, an article and an exciting questionnaire that I hope to be able to share details about really soon.

Yesterday’s stop on the Can’t Get Enough blog tour (see, how I so casually stopped counting the days? That’s because I’ve lost count!) was at Tamsin Flowers’ place where she posted a steaming hot excerpt from her contribution to the book, Those Damned Cobbles.

I’m so glad Tamsin chose to excerpt her story, because as I may have mentioned, hers was one of the stories that I read from at Charis Books in Atlanta last Thursday, and there were two women in the audience that whispered how much they could relate, and let me tell you, the last two sentences of her story provoked a huge LOL and a confession from one or two women in the crowd about bike riding.

Read her lovely summary of the collection and her hot excerpt here.

Today’s scheduled stop is at Rose Caraway’s place and I’ll be sure to edit this post with links as soon as it goes live.

Also, I joined Facebook again.

I’ll just give you a minute to let that sink in.

On signing books, guest blogging and being called a “Breakout editor…”

I feel like much of my days are spent playing catch up. For a while there, I was on a roll, posting in sync with daily blog tour stops, updating everyone on new events and appearances, etc. And then I took what I didn’t intend to be a break, but turned out to be one, and now here I am, with so much to tell all at once.

First, yesterday’s blog tour stop. It was at author Annabeth Leong’s place and I wrote a guest post about cars and sex, one of the many sub themes in Can’t Get Enough. You can see it here if you missed it yesterday.

We also earned our 6th 5 star Amazon review yesterday. Very flattering. One of the best yet. Here it is.

Secondly, the book signing. It was this past Saturday at a Books-A-Million in Lawrenceville, GA. By that time I had done a one and a half hour reading with a wonderful group of ladies and was less shaky about appearing in public. Plus, I wouldn’t be required to say the words fuck, pussy or cock in a crowded room. All I had to do was sit there, a table with my books stacked in front of me and wait for the customers to come by, pick up a book and have me sign it. Except, for the first hour plus, I didn’t sign anything.

Well, that’s not completely true. Within the first ten minutes a woman approached me excitedly and asked for my autograph (not in a book, but in her little notebook where she collects them, but still…). I happily gave it to her though I’m still getting used to autographing things and am pretty insecure about my penmanship when do so. But anyway, she asked for a hug which I gladly gave. Hugs are easy. Hugs are reassuring, I can do hugs with no problem. I forgot to take her picture though.

In the last thirty minutes a woman came by and bought a book for herself and one for her book club. That made me extremely happy. Then, who I eventually found out was Gary Wit Da Tea from The Rickey Smiley Show came by, bought a book and took a picture with me. He also bought both my signing mates book (it was Lewis Ericson, BTW). My day was made after that, and then it was time for me to go.


Over the weekend an idea had been brewing in my mind re: marketing and I’m thinking and hoping something will happen with that soon. But, the hubs Googled me today and saw this.

I’m sure there are words sufficient enough to describe how unbelievable happy and proud this makes me, but right now, I just don’t have them. All I have is this feeling of shock and awe. Oh, and nerves out of this world.

Meet me tonight…

Is the invitation as sexy as it sounds? Why, yes, yes it is. Tonight’s reading, my very first reading ever after writing and publishing erotica for over ten years, is at Charis Books in Atlanta, Georgia. If you live in the area, just passing through, want to take an impromptu flight out or whatever, the reading is from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The address is:

1189 Euclid Ave.
Atlanta, GA 30307

I waited until, oh, about three a.m. to get nervous about it. Sat straight up in the bed like I was late for something. But, every one in the house was sleeping soundly, and because I’m so polite I was very quiet with my freak out.

And to add to it, I checked my Twitter feed (because everyone does at 3 a.m.) and saw that Rubicon Reader (my absolute favorite reviewer and Jeep lover) had congratulated me on a literary award nomination. Now, I tend to question not only my sight, but my sanity at 3 in the morning so it took a minute for it to register. Then I followed the link and saw this.

To say that I’m not only surprised, but extremely honored doesn’t even begin to describe this feeling. However this happened, I am grateful, and thank you.

I also thank you all for every review, retweet and favorite when it comes to my incessant tweeting and talking about Can’t Get Enough.

Love you guys, but must go and vomit now.

An Idle Mind

Of course, I immediately question that title because my mind is never idle. It’s always going, going (gone). But you may have noticed that lately I’ve had something to do almost daily, pointing you here, pointing you there, here a link, there a link, everywhere a link, link.

But, since there appears to he a small break in the blog tour, I have nothing new to pimp. And that’s actually fine because the reviews, interviews and giveaways have all been great. And the  awesome thing about the internet is that the stuff is going to be there basically forever so you can always go back and revisit.

Myself, though, I’m fretting about some things. I’m tapping my foot at an unheard of tempo as I write this.

And for whatever reason, it always gets my creative juices flowing. So, I’m working on something new. I don’t want to call it anything in particular yet, but I do know that these characters are more complex than I planned and need them to be.

But I like the story. The words are coming easy and it’s making me smile. And I need to smile.

I also received review copies of the first two books in Alison Tyler’s latest series and that makes me happy. I’ll dig into those when the sun goes down. 😉

Announcing Me, Kink Your Kindle Today and more Blog Tour!

First of all, this:


It was just a little old mention in the literary events section (of the Atlanta Journal Constitution er hm), but I was in company with Reshonda Tate Billingsley and others! It felt good.

Also, today Can’t Get Enough is available for download on Kindle. Violet Blue already suggested you Kink Your Kindle with it, and who am I to argue with that?

Speaking of Blue, Day 7 of the Can’t Get Enough blog tour (I think I’m starting to say this phrase in my sleep) brings us over to Karen Blue’s place where she wrote an outstanding and very flattering review of the anthology.

What are you waiting for, get on over there and enjoy!

I’m Coming Out

Luckily, I’ve been too busy online promoting the book to think about upcoming face to face promotion. And to fret about it, which kind of blows because the stress weight loss would have done me good.

Anyway, here it is, where it all begins. I have two readings/meet and greets/signings this week alone.

And for the first time it’s occurred t i me that for ten + years I’ve been in hiding, well, not exactly hiding, but not promoting other than online,

online, and in other people’s books where showing my face wasn’t a requirement.

And I’m excited, I really am. Interacting, reading, signing. Easy peasy. You’ll find that after a cocktail or two I’m a real people person.

But what to wear? What about my hair? What if I’m not what everyone expected?

I guess it’s the literary equivalent to stage fright, and something I’ll have to get over rather quickly because in three days I’ll have my first appearance.

I joked about practicing my signature, and I really should have because my handwriting is rather shitty.

And reading, I haven’t selected a story and haven’t read anything a loud since before my kids could read themselves.

Damn… ill prepared much?

Either way, see you (and me) there.


“All They Do Is Fuck”

A few days ago, I walked into the room to find my husband had started watching True Blood from Season 1. Neither of us had ever expressed interested in watching and really knew nothing about it.

I, however, know that I’m not into vampires in any kind of way, I don’t even know if “vampire” should be capitalized.

But, when I walked in, Sookey and Bill were, well, in the throes.

“That’s it,” my husband said, pointing at the screen, “that’s all they do.”

So, naturally, I was intrigued and started watching with him. It’s officially our thing now.

But, beyond all the wild, crazy, “dirty dick and all” sex, we like the damaged relationship between Tara and her mother. We love that Tara is such an emotional mess and keeps pushing Sam away.

And fake voodoo woman?

And naked man turned dog shape shifting?

Count me, I mean, us in!

At this point, we’re pretty attached to Lafyette, so don’t tell us if he dies. We almost needed resuscitation when we thought he was dead at the end of Season 1.

So, we’re enjoying it, and Hubs has sternly looked at the dog and said, “I better not ever catch your ass naked at the end of my bed!”

Just Ask…


You can, you know. And most times, I mean it. Like now, when several writers and bloggers chose to interview me as opposed to posting blurbs and excerpts (all that is great, too, keep it coming – and I love the giveaways!).

And I don’t play favorites (seriously, I don’t) , but I especially love question and answer sessions, even when they’re not especially personal, but I do get to give my point of view.

See, for some reason, I always feel the need to explain myself. Even when no one’s asked for an explanation. I like to “back it up” if you will, with more information, with a little peek into my brain, the way I see it. You know.

And today, with the wonderful Malin James on Day 6 of the Can’t Get Enough blog tour, I got to do just that, or at least let her know some behind the scenes details on just how Can’t Get Enough came to be. Why I chose the stories I chose, what my motivation was behind the collection.

I love the way it turned out and I hope you will, too. Here you go.

Do You Still Love Me?


Are you guys bored of me, yet? Can’t Get Enough this, Can’t Get Enough that. Come on you can tell me. I can see you nodding your head as you read this. Yes, you over there.

Alas, it comes with the territory. What good is investing the better part of two years into a project if at the end, I can’t tell anyone about it, if I can’t shout it from the rooftops?

Also, if no one knows about it, hears about it, thinks about it, no one will want to read it, thus, making me unable to do this again. And we all want me to do this again, don’t we? Huh? HUH?

I know I’m pretty paranoid, but I swear some people I used to interact with on Twitter have muted me over the last couple of weeks. But, maybe it’s just me.

I have TONS of anthology ideas, story ideas, novel ideas, and I’d love a little bragging rights to back all theses pitches up (okay, in my head I said “bitches,” sue me).

Which leads me to this…

Today is Day 5 of the “Can’t Get Enough” Blog tour and Cara Sutra has posted a juicy excerpt from Sophia Valenti and is hosting a giveaway of the book! Now, come on, you can’t say no to a freebie. That’s just rude. You can get there from here.

And don’t worry, we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming soon enough. Love, life, kids, “I broke another bone,” blah, blah, blah. 😉

“Can’t Get Enough” is featured on Sex In Words!

Today’s stop on the Can’t Get Enough blog tour brings us to Sex In Words where the editor of Best Sex Writing 2015, Jon Pressick gives a nice little write up and a hot as fire excerpt from Medea Mor.

It would behoove you to skip on over there and check it out (and maybe I’m just a little biased).

I think this particular excerpt is the epitome of what Can’t Get Enough is all about, and what I strived for it to be.

You can get there from here.